Some medical conditions may affect your treatment and may mean some localised areas need to be avoided during treatment. Some of these are listed below. If you are in any doubt, please consult your GP before starting.
- Prior or directly after surgery
- Pregnancy, especially not in the first trimester
- Contagious/acute infections, conditions/disease
- Undiagnosed pain *
- Thrombosis, phlebitis *
- Varicose veins, cuts, bruises, painful areas to feet and legs or recent scar tissue
- Under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- Recent haemorrhaging or swelling
- High or low blood pressure
- Arthritis to feet
- Diabetes *
- Osteoporosis to legs
- Fungal infections, warts or verrucas
* You should get approval for treatment from your GP if you might have any of the conditions listed.
People will not always remember what you said,
people will not always remember what you did,
but people will always remember how you made them feel.